Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Virtual Reality Exprience by Barack Obama

US President, Barack Obama has taken up the features in a virtual reality (VR) video where he can be seen traversing through the Yosemite National Park situated in California's Sierra Nevada mountains, also conveying his concerns about climate change.
Take in the president's remarks as you explore every angle of the incredible surroundings of Yosemite, including El Capitan, the Cathedral Rocks, Mariposa Grove, Yosemite Falls, and the Merced River.
National Geographic has been a pioneer in visual storytelling throughout its 128-year history. We see virtual reality as a new frontier and are thrilled to use this powerful medium to help celebrate the National Park Service's centennial anniversary." - Rajiv Mody, Vice President of Social Media for National Geographic.
Created by National Geographic, Felix & Paul Studios, and Oculus, this experience is available today on the Oculus Store for Gear VR with Rift coming soon!
"The VR experience provides a personal look at President Obama's trip to Yosemite with his family over Father's Day weekend," Oculus said in a blog post on Friday.

Walk with the president as he crosses the footbridge and takes in the view of Vernal Falls with the First Family-First Lady Michelle Obama, Malia, and Sasha. You can catch a time-lapse sunset go by from Glacier Point, and float along in a canoe, framed by mountains, to learn about John Muir's enduring legacy.

Obama is seen interacting with students during an event tied to his "Every Kid in the Park" initiative and speaking with Don Neubacher, the Yosemite National Park superintendent.
"As filmmakers, we wanted to use cinematic virtual reality's unique transportive power to bring audiences into a journey with President Obama where they could experience firsthand the vertiginous, lyrical and timeless beauty of Yosemite. We were deeply inspired by the idea that American national parks such as Yosemite were originally established 'for all people for all times,' as a way to allow future generations to experience the extraordinary and untouched beauty and richness of these natural wonders." added FA©lix Lajeunesse, Co-founder of Felix & Paul Studios.
This month marks the 100-year anniversary of the National Park Service, and we're honored to help commemorate this milestone.
Very few people will get to experience the beauty of the US national parks alongside a sitting president. Transporting people to places they might not get to see in their lifetime is one of the great powers of VR.

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