Saturday, 17 September 2016

Facebook updates Messenger Platform: v1.2

After launching the Messenger Platform few months ago, millions of people in over 200 countries have been engaging with businesses on Messenger each day in new and exciting ways - from better customer service, to more sophisticated brand and commerce experiences, and receiving news from trusted sources.
Facebook today enhanced its Messenger platform by integrating its payment mechanisms for chatbots with the most popular financial service providers. During an onstage interview atTechCrunch Disrupt SF, Facebook vice president and Head of Messenger David Marcus said you will now be able to make payments from inside Messenger using Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Stripe, PayPal or Braintree.
When Facebook announced its bot platform in April the company highlighted the capability to make travel arrangements and retail purchases from within Messenger without redirecting to the another payment related websites. Facebook is trying to build an ecosystem that enables the fundamental things such as one-to-one messaging, group conversations and the capability to interact with business. For the last six months Facebook invested a lot in the focus of Messenger's performance, real time communications and instant video calling.
Marcus dismissed the notion that bots are a fad, and said Facebook is committed to making sure they eventually live up to the hype. "It's not about bots, it's about how can you get an experience" by interacting with people, services, brands and businesses,he said.
Messenger attracted more than 34,000 new developers during the past five months, and at least 30,000 related bots were released, according to Facebook.
Finally, what will Messenger look like five years from now? "When you look at all of these entities that you interact with, it's bringing it all together," Marcus said. "Can you bring your daily life on Messenger in a more organized way, and actually have the best high quality, high fidelity interactions with people, groups of people, businesses, services and give an opportunity for developers to build a presence on a new platform and get distribution and adoption."

Facebook announced the launch of v1.2 which is containing the several new features, the most important is the ability for brands to accept payments directly via the application. The Other major feature launch is the ability for brands to use News Feed ads on Facebook to drive users to Messangers via calls to action such as "send message", "shop now" or "learn more".
Other new features in Messenger Platform v1.2 include:
  1. The addition of more user interface elements to Messenger threads between brands and users.
  2. Users can now share individual messages from bots or links to the actual bots themselves via Messenger.
  3. The new welcome screen for pages and bots on Messenger provides more context for users.
  4. Quick replies were updated to include elements such as location sharing and icons.
  5. App-level analytics, including error and block rates, can now be downloaded in .CSV form via in-app settings.
  6. The same attachment can be reused on subsequent media sends, enabling brands to broadcast and slashing the send times for multimedia.
All clicks on these News Feed ads will directly open up a Messenger thread with a copy of the ad or configurable structured message. Similar to existing Facebook ads, developers and businesses will have the option to select their target audiences and delivery times. More enhanced UI were addressed in the Newsroom post. With this update, we're giving developers and businesses the ability to bring more UI elements inside the threads they have with their customers and users, because while some interactions are better in a conversational format (like quick responses or intent capture), and some things are better suited for a permanent thread (like receipts, shipping notifications and flight updates), some experiences are truly better with a full-fledged UI.
New Welcome Screeen for pages and bots :
When people start a new thread with your bot in the Messenger app, they will now be greeted with a welcome screen to provide more information about the bot, including the category of the associated page, response time and capabilities provided on Messenger. This will help provide details about the bot experience.

New Sharing Capabilities :
We're enabling seamless sharing of bots and messages from bots to friends on Messenger. People can share any message with friends using the standard Messenger share button next to the message. People can also share bots with their friends using a share option in thread details of the bot thread. All shared messages will include the bot icon, name and call to action that allows people to start a thread with the associated bot.

Roenberg wrote that receipients must avail the subscription messaging. He outlined the following use cases that are eligible for the test of subscription messaging:
News: Bots whose primary purpose is to inform people about recent or important events or information in categories such as sports, finance, business, real estate, weather, traffic, politics and entertainment.
Productivity: Bots whose primary purpose is to enable people to manage their personal productivity with tasks such as managing calendar events, receiving reminders and paying bills.
Personal trackers: Bots that enable people to receive and monitor information about themselves in categories such as fitness, health, wellness and finance.

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