Monday, 15 August 2016

Controlling over Advertisement on Facebook

An integral part of marketing, advertisements are public notices designed to inform and motivate. Their objective is to change the thinking pattern (or buying behavior) of the recipient, so that he or she is persuaded to take the action desired by the advertiser. Ads should be relevant, well-made, useful and helping to find out new products and services and introduce a new experience. But ads are not working always in this way.
Many people started to use the add blocking software. This is one complaint that Facebook has discovered users have regarding online advertising - so much so that many have installed ad-blocking software. With so much content moving online, advertisers need to find ways to reach users without irritating them into engaging ad blockers. When facebook asked people about why they used ad blocking software, the primary reason we heard was to stop annoying, disruptive ads.
Facebook has spent the last few years analyzing how best to optimize its ads for a better -- and less distracting user experience. Now, it has unveiled improved ad controls in hopes of improving the experience for users.
Ads control by Facebook :
Facebook has announced two methods to control the ads on Facebook.
First: Facebook will show the more relevant ads based on the apps and websites visited by the users.
Second: Facebook is launching new ad preference tool which will help to make understand the purpose of the ads and will provide you a granular controls to improve the ads you see. You can select the preference of the ads by clicking on the right corner of the ads. You will get those selective ads which you will prefer most.
After taking one survey, it is very clear that users want the relevant ads in his facebook page. But the main challenge is how Facebook will distinguish which ads page should be shown based on the users interest. In the past, We've shown you the ads on facebook page based on their activity such as liking the page, opening the advertisement etc. But it doesn't mean that the users are equally interested in all the ads. Now in order to show you the best ads, Facebook is considering the users activity. we're going to include some of the websites you visit and apps you use to better understand what you're interested in, like many companies already do on the web today. This happens automatically when you visit a website or app that has integrated Facebook functionality.
Let's say you're thinking about buying a new CAR and starting your research on the web. In the past, we might show you an ad for a CAR based on Pages you've liked and similar activity on Facebook. Or we might have shown you an ad for a CAR from a specific marketer's site you visited. But now we can show you ads for CARs from other brands, which may offer a lower price. And because we think you're interested in Automobiles, we may show you ads for other vehicles in the future.
Control over the different kind of ads :
If you don't want to receive any ads in your profile based on your activity in the websites and apps, then you can use the Digital Advertising Alliance's opt-out tool, which is supported by the Facebook and more than 100 other companies that shows this kind of ads. It is also supported from Android or iOS device.
In addition, Facebook is providing a new ad preference tool, which shows you the purpose of ads and you can easily control the interests associated with you by clicking "Why I am seeing this?" in the upper right corner of any ad in facebook. For example, if "dance" is one of your interests and you want to see fewer ads about "dance," deselect it in ad preferences or choose something else. Your ad preferences will only be visible to you.
Some add blocking companies are showing the ads by accepting the money that was blocked previously - this practice makes the people more confused and they are wondering how the add blocker software is working and they become irritated with the irrelevant ads.
The social network has spent that last few years learning about what its viewers want to see from online advertisements when it comes to content and layout. Now, it has created tools that allow users to customize their ad experience, allowing people to adjust their interests and personalize their advertising experience.

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