Lots of people are facing problem to download BPSC 60th to 62th combined examination admit card as they are not getting proper link to download admit card.
You can download admit card by using same steps, that you follow to fill application form.
Follow following steps to download admit card
1. Go to http://bpsc.bih.nic.in/Application.htm
2. Click link 'B.P.S.C. Online Application'.
3. You will be redirected to login form.
4. Enter your user name and password which you used at the time of registration.
5. You will land into Dashboard page.
6. In right side you will get link to download admit card.
Please be hurry, as per BPSC website, 31st Jan is the last day to download admit card.
You can download admit card by using same steps, that you follow to fill application form.
Follow following steps to download admit card
1. Go to http://bpsc.bih.nic.in/Application.htm
2. Click link 'B.P.S.C. Online Application'.
3. You will be redirected to login form.
4. Enter your user name and password which you used at the time of registration.
5. You will land into Dashboard page.
6. In right side you will get link to download admit card.
Please be hurry, as per BPSC website, 31st Jan is the last day to download admit card.